Sunday 8 December 2013

A Link To The Past Gameplays

I have a shockingly bad memory. In younger years I had a kind of PsudoPhotographicMemory. I could recall images of textbook pages in my mind, and wizz through stuff. It made multiple choice exams a doddle at Uni. 

And then it went away. I don't know when that happened, and certainly in the last few years it has deteriorated further. There is a period of my life that I have a shockingly poor memory of, starting at the time of my father's to some point later. My life has actually lurched from one disaster to another with alarming regularity, which I'm quite frankly utterly sick of. Since I can't stop family members shuffling of the mortal coil, or exs being absolute scum bags, I was on and off a variety of strange and colourful tablets. I still am, but I like being not in pain so I still have a memory like one of those things that make the water come out of pasta.

But there is a plus side, because I have to have something positive come this saga of woe and little white tablets.

I've completely forgotten the plots, twists and joy of certain games. I can play them again and extract the same joy as I did the first time I played them. For example, I decided recently to replay Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. I had nearly finished it, or so claimed the save file. Well, I think someone else played that, because I have no memory of getting that far. As I played, little moments shook loose from the dark recesses of my brain. Take the Temple of the Sea King, how could I forget having to go through that place so many times. Seriously, Link, ladders and a pickax could sort that out. Vast swaths were new to me, which is oddly pleasing as I get to enjoy it all again (Apart from the temple, that can die in a fire) OK so its not a great plus, but at least its something. How could I forget Chu-bombs?

Now, what games should I replay?