Monday, 14 January 2013

The Cube is Full of Bubbles

I'm not sure what will be in the middle of 22Cans Curiosity Cube and I don't think I actually care. 

"It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters, in the end" - Ursula K. LeGuin

For those that don't know, and I know a fair few friends who don't have a clue about the project, Curiosity is the first of 22 projects/experiments from 22Cans, the company set up by Peter Molyneux. It hovers, 2001 monolith style in a white room that exists on the servers at 22Cans. At the time of writing (14th January 2013, at about 23:30) the Cube is 70 days old, with 159 layers removed. The current layer (a rather busy Christmas market at Winchester Cathedral) has 52,254,395 cubelets remaining. 

"Too often we are so preoccupied with the destination we forget the journey" - Anon

Mr Molyneux seems to be a man who teeters between works of crazy, and works of pure genius. Depending on how Curiosity pans out, I'm still not sure which side he is on that. After playing rather often the last few weeks, there is something rather humanising about the experiment; watching as little cubes pop off your screen knowing that another human is doing it, but that we will never know who that person is. Like the worlds biggest communal piece of bubble wrap. Slowly chipping away at the enormous cube is a cooperative effort, but barring a few people I know in the Real World, the chippers are anonymous.  I can't help be feel that the sketchy Facebook implementation is intentional, and all we are left with is tiny pixel toilet wall graffiti. Perhaps it is all a commentary on Social Media Games (pointless clicky clicky, I'm looking at you Zynga, you money grabbing pirate poopheads) 

"It is one of the commonest of mistakes to consider that the limit of our power of perception is also the limit of all there is to perceive" - CW Leadbeater

In various interviews that Molyneux has given in the last few weeks, he has hinted that there is more to this mythical cube that meets the eye. All of this data is going somewhere, something is crunching these numbers and looking at how each of us interacts with the cube. The data must flow... But what will we find out about the data; how the human collective can work together? How we still communicate, given such immense barriers? I'm interested as to what will be gleaned from this first experiment. Perhaps its all just a matter of perspective?

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Real Life Sucks

It would be nice for my life not to go belly up every month or so. To give you an idea of the up and down nature of December; Cambridge and back to deal with a family death, Scotland and back to deal with direct family death, then Wales to celebrate the New Year with friends.

When we got home on the 4th January, I firmly told everyone that I was not going anywhere in the next month, or at least no more than about 45 minutes on the train. So sick of travelling this month.

But I'm back and full of writing beans, and interesting things! Oh yes! So bored of life messing up my schedule of life. I've also added a little donation button so that kind people can clicky and put a little towards me not starving. All good in the long run.
