Monday 30 September 2013

The One Where Our Hero Nearly Loses Her Shit

Day 1

Picture the scene. I work by a quayside, so there are boats going about doing their thing most days. There is also a couple of Para Handy style boats that seem to be eternally moored there. Mostly it is quiet about here, since there is only the island past us. However, on this day something went very odd. I suspect that one of the boats had become possessed by the spirit of an angry air raid siren, or at least that is what it sounded like. Annoying and loud, which carried on for about 30 minutes or so. No idea if an exorcism had take place or what. Peace eventually ensued.

Day 2

As I walked to work, it was foggy as all hell. The closer I got to work, the thicker the fog became. This was not morning fog, we're talking 11am fog, which you must admit is quite freakish. The houses across the water were but a vauge outline. With the quite deserted feel of the area, as anyone who knows Chatham Outlet Center will know, it was quite spooky with all that fog.

Now, add these two days together.

Silent Hill

Thankfully they were on different days, as I would have totally lost the proverbial plot. Out the door, down the street and away, keeping an eye out for big men with pyramids on their head. You would not see me for dust (or rather the fog as it closed in my wake)

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