Sabre Wulf
Rebel Star
Head Over Heels
Batman 3D
Jet Set Willy
Kokoton Wilf
Special Mention For Being Awesome
All the Dizzy games
Special Mention For Being Ballbreakingly Hard (even though I have none!)
Soul of a Robot
Special Mention For Being Banned In Our House
You all know this one. If you owned a Spectrum in the '80s then you almost certainly had this game. It was banned in our house (or rather my grandparents) because my Grandfather was sick of having to fix the joystick and 'n' and 'm' keys when Lil'Sis and I busted it. Ah fond memories.
Now when I play Kinect Sports and I'm flailing around like a loon in various events and failing to get anywhere, I just think of this. Then KS doesn't seem so bad.
ooh spin dizzy and zoids