Saturday 8 December 2012

ZXX Review Lego LotR

My lovely other half bought me this for my birthday this year. A thoughtful gift since I love Lego, their games and Lord of the Rings. How was he supposed to know that it was a buggy bag o' shite!

I knew going in that there would be bugs, it is a Lego game after all. I played it most of its release weekend so I didn't hear about the game breaking glitches until later in the week. OK  to be fair it's not game breaking completely, more Achievement broken, which is just as serious a crime as game breaking in my eyes. I have now relegated it back to the shelf until TT decide to release a patch, which may be never. Is it just me or top releases getting buggier every year. Dear game producers out there, can you answer this for me? So it's a little ruined for me and this makes me sad as on the whole it's a fantastic game and a clever interpretation of the movies. Sam Gamgee smacking things on the head with a frying pan, and stomping up Isengard as Treebeard. Oh and the disco ball, how I love that.

Note to self: Get as ringtone for phone.

If the game wasn't buggy, I'd have 100% on my achievements and finsh it with a feeling of satisfaction, instead, I feel slightly used and dirty like a tissue. This makes me a little sad.

As a programmer, and as a human, I have an almost OCD obsession with perfection (which does not extend to spelling!) which means I won't move on with something unless it's up to my standards. A stupid thing to do as it leads to project destroying ruts, and I know perfection is impossible. Every time you think you have it, something else glitters slightly less perfect and the perfect thing drifts out of your grasp again. It's knowing when to let go when it's good enough but not too soon because it will be shit. Of course this does not apply to last minute uni essays, which if you know you know fuck all about it, go balls to the wall and just prey you pass.

No, that's not a metaphorr for my university career, but certainly reflects on my progression as a human and learning to let go and move on with projects. I'm having Sunday off after dealing with family stuff this week and barring some technical reading I shall be finishing Assassins Creed 2: revelations. On Monday I will be writing business plans and scouring the web for info.

Wish me luck!


Wednesday 5 December 2012

Back on the Ball

Well that was a mad few months, and not in a good way *sadface*

After working 65+ hour weeks and not getting much back from it (apart from a bit of money and some skills) I packed in my job yesterday.

I have too many plans and projects on the back burner and watching them fade made me sad, so I made a decision and went back to trying to get this blog and my other projects back on the go. Like pulling an old plaster from a wound I knew it was going to be tough, but I manned up and did it. It will not be easy from here on in, but when is anything in life just handed to you on a plate. I'm a woman trying to break into an old boys club, and from there I'll be tearing down established ideas and building anew.

Oh and I moved house. Still in Kent, like a stubborn beast it will not let me go. At least we live much closer to the station than before!

On the gaming front I've been playing AC:Revelations with a bit of Lego:LotR on the side. I've a rant brewing about that, something I need to write about in the next few days when I'm in sunny Cambridgeshire helping my pseudo sister with family stuff. I also have a backlog of HumbleBundle and IndieRoyal stuff to get through too.

But it certainly is nice to be back.

Remember, don't be a dick.