Wednesday 5 December 2012

Back on the Ball

Well that was a mad few months, and not in a good way *sadface*

After working 65+ hour weeks and not getting much back from it (apart from a bit of money and some skills) I packed in my job yesterday.

I have too many plans and projects on the back burner and watching them fade made me sad, so I made a decision and went back to trying to get this blog and my other projects back on the go. Like pulling an old plaster from a wound I knew it was going to be tough, but I manned up and did it. It will not be easy from here on in, but when is anything in life just handed to you on a plate. I'm a woman trying to break into an old boys club, and from there I'll be tearing down established ideas and building anew.

Oh and I moved house. Still in Kent, like a stubborn beast it will not let me go. At least we live much closer to the station than before!

On the gaming front I've been playing AC:Revelations with a bit of Lego:LotR on the side. I've a rant brewing about that, something I need to write about in the next few days when I'm in sunny Cambridgeshire helping my pseudo sister with family stuff. I also have a backlog of HumbleBundle and IndieRoyal stuff to get through too.

But it certainly is nice to be back.

Remember, don't be a dick.

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