Monday 7 May 2012

Sci Fi London Movies

Today the Sci-Fi London film festival drew to a close. Sadly I missed out on the final day, due to being too tired from the awesomeness.

I managed to catch a couple of really good films during the festival, in between volunteering and eating popcorn (and mountains of Mountain Dew).

First on the list was the awesomebad zombie movie "Osombie" This is a retarded movie. I mean really, Osama Bin Laden as a zombie, so retarded. We went in thinking that it was going to be awful, but in actual fact it was really good, if you like stupid zombie/army movies.

I really can't get my head around why they made this movie, its just so stupid. But its also well done and quite funny in places. It is not a work of art, its zombie Bin Laden.

Next was The Last Push. I thought I would really like this, since I'm a sucker for hard SciFi. It is the story of two men on a mission to Europa (a Jupiter moon) to study whales there, except during the swing round Venus something goes very wrong. It involves whales and space, why would I not love this.

The main character is played by Khary Payton, and he does a really good job of a very difficult role. Its just its such a predictable film, not Titanic level of predictability but damn close. Plus, you don't get to see the Europa whales. If you like "Man go mad in space" then you'll like this. I think its a bit of a Marmite movie, except I love Marmite.

Tomorrow (hopefully) I'll put up the reviews for Shuffle, The Captains and also the Cabaret we held (there were boobies, and funny people, it was awesome)

Good Night Peeps


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